dilluns, 11 de juny del 2012


Residents of Nou Barris District created the Neighbours' Association in 1971 and then they created sections in each neighbourhood, among them, the Prosperity Associations 
in 1974.
The aim of the N.A. is to defend the collective interests of the neighbourhood. The first year was busy because it lacked everything:  paved streets, leaders, schools, parks, traffic lights, etc.. The N.A., promoted the organization of the neighbourhood, making meetings, demonstrations, etc..
 The first years were hard because many of the acts were illegal and some people were taken to a police station. Some activities, like the neighbourhood’s festival, which originally was thought by the N.A., have now been organized by many organizations that have emerged in the neighbourhood. Now the work of the N.A. is still the demand for equipment, housing and a better defence against the abuse of power, as well as  the collaboration with other associations in the neighbourhood  (festival, Casal de la Prosperitat, Nou Barris Acull etc.), District and City Hall (through the neighbourhood associations in Barcelona).
An example of the importance of the N.A. is the fight they have had to build public facilities in the former factory “Ideal Flor”.
They meet on Tuesdays at 8 pm at 92, Argullós Street

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