dilluns, 7 de maig del 2012

The 28th of February a gymkhana was made in the INS Sant Andreu. In these activities different groups of students of the Comenius Project participated.

These groups were formed by a game which consisted of recognizing animals to form the groups. In each group there should be a minimum of one Spanish student, who would teach the others students in this activity.  

The students were divided in five groups corresponding to different concepts, like

In the gymkhana the students had to look for any neighbour who would tell them their history and something about the neighbourhood.  The group also had to search a motto about any aspect of the life in Spain and take some photos to entertain the workshop.

After that, the teachers of each country and the coordinators of the activity made all the groups to present their jobs and vote the best one.

We think the workshop was pretty good, but the activity could be better if the coordinators deleted the activity consisting off finding a foreigner neighbour because it was so hard to find. One of the best parts of the activity was when we had to write our opinion about the activity on  the cardboards. We recommend it for future meetings.

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