dilluns, 11 de juny del 2012

soup festival

Soups Festival


Since 2004, “9 Barris Acull” and “la Xarxa d’Intercanvi de Coneixements” organize the festival of the soups of the world to know more things about the different cultures of the neighbours in the neighbourhood.
But...Why a festival soup?  On the one hand because it is an excuse to meet all the neighbours together, and on the other hand, because the soup is the symbol of the mixing and the difference.
The soups share the basics elements: fire, water and a pot and then the diversity is nearly endless.


We interviewed a woman that informed us about one association that is called “Pont del Drac” which was created in 2004.
We could see her speciality, it is Galician soup.
The ingredients are:
 -White bean
- Cauliflower and other vegetables
The soup was very hot and a little salty.
The woman gave us the soup, she said to us that the festival is very funny and we can participate the next year. We also tasted another soup: Turkey soup, but we couldn’t know all the ingredients because the man didn’t speak Spanish very well but we understood  that the soup had a lot of Arabian spices. In the festival the people sold other things, like  recipes , books with the history of the festival and  soups from  others  countries.


We think the festival is very interesting because you meet  different cultures of the world.

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