dilluns, 11 de juny del 2012

soup festival

Soups Festival


Since 2004, “9 Barris Acull” and “la Xarxa d’Intercanvi de Coneixements” organize the festival of the soups of the world to know more things about the different cultures of the neighbours in the neighbourhood.
But...Why a festival soup?  On the one hand because it is an excuse to meet all the neighbours together, and on the other hand, because the soup is the symbol of the mixing and the difference.
The soups share the basics elements: fire, water and a pot and then the diversity is nearly endless.


We interviewed a woman that informed us about one association that is called “Pont del Drac” which was created in 2004.
We could see her speciality, it is Galician soup.
The ingredients are:
 -White bean
- Cauliflower and other vegetables
The soup was very hot and a little salty.
The woman gave us the soup, she said to us that the festival is very funny and we can participate the next year. We also tasted another soup: Turkey soup, but we couldn’t know all the ingredients because the man didn’t speak Spanish very well but we understood  that the soup had a lot of Arabian spices. In the festival the people sold other things, like  recipes , books with the history of the festival and  soups from  others  countries.


We think the festival is very interesting because you meet  different cultures of the world.

Salvador Puig Antich (1948-1974)

•His life:
He was a Catalan anarchist who was active between the 60’s and 70’s. Activist of “Acció Catalana” during the Republic, he was involved in a trade union, “Comisiones Obreras”, an organization which defends the interests of the workers.

•His last years:
Salvador Puig Antich was a representative of the mobilizations against the dictatorship. He was a member of the “Movimiento Ibérico de Liberación” (Liberation Iberic Movement). This organization was formed by Spanish and French people and they started robbing banks to obtain money for the working class. All the acts of MIL had turned out well since September of 1973 when the National Police set a trap to Puig Antich and in the middle of a shooting one policeman died and Puig Antich was injured and carried to the hospital and then to Barcelona prison “Model”. He was in prison waiting for a court-martial and his sisters and his lawyer tried to liberate him. The court martial was a shame because it couldn't demonstrate that the bullet which killed the police was from Puig Antich and because the Franquism was in its last years and the dictator Franco sentenced him to death. Many international associations for Civil and Human rights and the Pope also asked for forgiveness but Puig Antich became the last victim of the Franquism. This man will be remembered like a fighter against the Franquism to obtain a more human and equal world where the Human Rights were respected and the working class had the same possibilities as the upper class.


Residents of Nou Barris District created the Neighbours' Association in 1971 and then they created sections in each neighbourhood, among them, the Prosperity Associations 
in 1974.
The aim of the N.A. is to defend the collective interests of the neighbourhood. The first year was busy because it lacked everything:  paved streets, leaders, schools, parks, traffic lights, etc.. The N.A., promoted the organization of the neighbourhood, making meetings, demonstrations, etc..
 The first years were hard because many of the acts were illegal and some people were taken to a police station. Some activities, like the neighbourhood’s festival, which originally was thought by the N.A., have now been organized by many organizations that have emerged in the neighbourhood. Now the work of the N.A. is still the demand for equipment, housing and a better defence against the abuse of power, as well as  the collaboration with other associations in the neighbourhood  (festival, Casal de la Prosperitat, Nou Barris Acull etc.), District and City Hall (through the neighbourhood associations in Barcelona).
An example of the importance of the N.A. is the fight they have had to build public facilities in the former factory “Ideal Flor”.
They meet on Tuesdays at 8 pm at 92, Argullós Street